
2 sen about Ps. Tamil

If one or two people hate him, then, its prejudice.. Its unfair judgement.. Its a personal "beef". But if 20 or nearly ALL / EVERYONE hates him.. there HAS to be SOMETHING wrong. Look at the Uncle at Sunday Service last week. Everyone says He's wrong and he still think he's right. Something's wrong, right? HEhehe... Ps. Tamil's approach is kinda "new age"... No one really accepts this sort of teaching. I'm sure our parent's intentions for us to go to Youth Meet is to hang out with friends and to learn good values.. Now this dude is preaching about weird weird stuff in weird weird WAYS. He critisizes like we're his own children and leave the helpless worship leaders (*during his visit) look like idiots. Two words: He sucks. I hope the church can forgive the youth for "halau"-ing the pastor... But he's a bad pick. WE need someone who can relate to us, who is understanding and knows that we're not perfect. College exam just now, Semiconductors. The saying goes "It was a piece of cake"... I'll modify it to reflect how it was, for me... "It was a piece of 2 hour cake MUNCHED by me in 45 minutes." Make sense to you? Me neither :P


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