
Holy unsolicited e-mail, Batman!

Scam alert! I got this in my e-mail and I feel suspecious! From Marc Hunter reply to: hunter/xxxx... (lotsa stuff) Subject: Could you please verify your e-mail address! Hi there, You are receiving this message because automated spam detection software has flagged your recent email to me as suspicious, and it did not recognize your email address. If you simply reply to this message, your original message will go through and you will not be asked to do this again. Sorry for the incovenience, and thank you for your understanding. Rgds, Marc I warn against replying. I have a sneaky feeling that if you DO reply, you'll be subjected to bombardment of pr0n advertisements and spam. I know of no "marc hunter" and certainly didn't e-mail him. I bet that he e-mailed everyone on Hotmail, and if you reply, you're telling him "Here I am... now, send me pr0n spam." Oh, and the thing about pr0n e-mails.. they don't really give you the "good bit"... They'll tease you over, and ask you to pay for quality pron. That sucks. The world should be gree! Good day, all.. I'm off to college soon and meet up with Ruth


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